Salt Creek Palmboard - The Sand Dab - Green

  • £49.99


Colour: Green.

The "Sand Dab" is shorter and wider than "The Classic" model, and is available in three colours; red, grey, and green. The "Sand Dab" has a concave bottom and twin fins, providing better stability and manoeuvrability. It also has a ridge on the nose, which allows your fingertips to grab the board when it's used to paddle into a wave.

Salt Creek Palmboards has one purpose - to enhance the bodysurfing experience.

Made from the highest quality materials, our palmboards are designed to fit comfortably, and enable a bodysurfer to plane onto the face of a wave resulting in a longer, more enjoyable ride. The bodysurfing experience also includes our behavior as an ocean centric business.

Our buoyant palmboards are made with recyclable materials, and each board comes with two hand-straps (small and large) and a wrist leash molded from industry proven, ultraviolet and saltwater stable materials.

Our packaging is manufactured from recycled cardboard and printed with soy-based inks, because the last thing you want to see in the ocean is another plastic bag. Salt Creek Palmboards is also a proud member of 1% for the Planet, which exists to build and support an alliance of businesses financially committed to creating a healthy planet. Salt Creek Palmboards is happy to donate 1% of our annual revenue back to the planet, specifically our oceans.

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